How-To-Discover-The-Empowering-Side-Of-Fashion Fabslay

How To Discover The Empowering Side Of Fashion

Posted by Pankaj Maurya on

Do you believe that fashion can be empowering?

While we believe that fashion has the power to elevate one’s confidence and serve as a tangible form of self-expression, we also acknowledge it often has the exact opposite effect.

The fashion industry is known for being elitist and pushing harmful beauty standards, so it’s understandable if you’ve ever felt excluded or negatively pressured because of contemporary trends. It’s something that many women have had to deal with, but the good news is that it doesn’t always have to be this way.

At Fabslay, we’re committed to proving that fashion can come from a place of positivity and acceptance. Below we’re sharing how to discover the empowering side of fashion, so you can embrace the clothes that make you feel fabulous, confident, and ready to take on the world. 


Step 1: Forget What You Know About Beauty Ideals

If an outfit has ever made you feel less confident about yourself, it’s likely because you’ve been making unhealthy comparisons to other people. Don’t worry, we’ve all been there: flipping through magazines or scrolling our social media feeds and wondering why we don’t look like the celebrities and influencers that dominate the fashion and beauty spheres. Perhaps you don’t feel thin enough, curvy enough, tall enough, tan enough … the media always gives us some sort of unrealistic ideal to strive for. 

Remember that comparison is the thief of joy, and beauty standards are always changing. You only need to look to the past as a reminder. What’s trending now wasn’t what was trending as little as a decade ago, and the standards will continue to evolve. At some point in time, and in some part of the world, you are the ideal. Even if you can’t see it right now. Learn to appreciate your own unique beauty – it’s what makes you special. Make a list of everything you love about yourself, and don’t be afraid to refer to it anytime you’re feeling a lack of confidence. 


Step 2: Find What Makes You Feel Good

Find the clothes that make you happy. If you’re not sure what those are, then you’ll need to do some style-related soul searching. 

Go through your wardrobe, or have a shopping day, and pay close attention to the garments you encounter. Have a try-on session, and ask yourself the following questions:

 - Which silhouettes am I most drawn to?

 - Which colours make me happy?

 - Which fabrics feel the best on me?

Forget current trends and focus on intuition. You’ll know when you find the right piece, because it will make you feel good. The colour and silhouette will feel good on your body, the fabric will feel amazing against your skin, and you’ll want to flaunt your outfit in front of the entire world. 

If you’re feeling lost on your own, you may want to enlist the help of a professional stylist or some style-savvy friends. It can be hard to break out of pre-existing mindsets if you’re not used to dressing in a way that honours your body and individuality. 


Step 3: Work With Your Body

It’s normal to have certain parts of your body that you love less than others. Fashion is a wonderful tool for enhancing your favourite features, as well as downplaying the parts you don’t want to accentuate. Just remember to work with what you have, rather than trying to turn your body into something it isn’t. 

There are certain colours that will make you look extra fresh and radiant, silhouettes that complement your body shape, and cuts that flatter your proportions. They may not be what’s currently trending, but they’ll make you feel so much better about how you present yourself to the world. 


Step 4: Lose The Pieces That Don’t Serve You

Turn your wardrobe into a place of positivity by getting rid of anything that doesn’t spark joy or confidence. From impulse purchases that don’t actually suit your body to pieces you hide behind, they’re only reaffirming the negative side of fashion and will likely never make you feel good. 


Step 5: Own Your Style

Ultimately, confidence comes from within – but having the right tools in place will bring it right to the surface. Now that you have a wardrobe filled with pieces that you genuinely love, wear them with pride. 

It may take a while for you to get to a point where anything you wear makes you feel empowered, but as long as you stay true to yourself and stick to the items that bring out the best in you, you’ll get there. We’re always here to help you find the empowering side of fashion, so if you’re ever feeling lost or alone – we’re just a message away! 

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